Thursday, August 25, 2011


I have spoken to Klaus of Transition Town Kinsale. He has a mailing list of a few hundred people in the local area. He will send out an email to them publicising the market. I have drafted a possible message. If you are happy with it I will get it circulated.

He also suggested that you may wish to put up a poster at the College to inform the students and that you may have contacts at the secondary school to encourage lunchtime trips to the market.

Letter to TTK list re market reverting to Short Quay

Dear Claus,

I would be grateful if you could bring your TTK members up to date with the progress of Kinsale Farmers Market.

This market provides a valuable service to the Kinsale community by offering it additional choice of food not offered by existing local retailers. It generates badly needed extra business for the town, acts as an easy and effective way for people, many of them local, to start and run a business and it provides an attraction and valuable service to visiting tourists as well as being a regular meeting place for all strata of the local community.

After starting in 1995 it soon became one of the leading Farmers Markets in Cork county with up to 35 stalls and a lively atmosphere.

After two years Council officials decided that it should not continue in Short Quay and it moved to various less suitable venues around the town all the time shedding customers and stallholders. Happily a new set of Council officials are taking a more positive view and are planning to re-pave Short Quay to improve the area for many activities including the Market.

The Farmers Market has moved back to the Short Quay on Wednesdays (not Tuesdays as previously) and every week brings more stalls and customers attending it.

The purpose of this letter is to ask your readers to spread the word that the Market is back in business in Short Quay each Wednesday from to about 2.0pm. and to come and enjoy it.


Cameron Ryle

With regard to the Council Officials would it not be an idea to invite the new Manager and Engineer to meet the Stall holders to discuss future trading?

All the best,

Cameron Ryle

Monday, August 15, 2011

From: Sean McLoughlin []
Sent: 12 August 2011 10:43
To: Cameron Ryle
Subject: RE: Kinsale Farmers Market

Dear Mr Ryle,

Denis Deasy has taken a period of leave prior to his retirement and will therefore no longer be the Manager of Kinsale. Apparently that job will go to Patricia Power who is at present a director of service here in County Hall. Prior to Denis’ departure he requested that I draw up a proposal for the paving of the short quay with a view to apply for funding from bord Failte.

Patricia Power and I walked the short Quay earlier this week to familiarize ourselves with a potential project. I have subsequently handed the sketch drawing on to the Town Engineer and to our Corporate Affairs Dept to see if they can source funding.

I am sure that Patricia Power will endeavor to regularize the operations of the market Issues in Kinsale as it is important part of the town’s makeup.

Kind regards,

Sean McLoughlin

Senior Architect

Cork County Council